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Retirement Seminar


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Teach Workshops

Register now for a new monthly webinar series, TEACH-ify: A Great Teaching Strategy Playlist! Starting in January and continuing through May, AFT members are invited to join national trainers from the AFT’s Professional Learning program to talk about great teaching strategies for supporting our students in grades K-12. 

These free Zoom sessions are a fun and productive way to meet colleagues from around the country and learn about teaching strategies you can use the next day. We will also offer office hours following each session to answer participants’ questions. 

Sessions will be held the second Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m. Eastern time. 

Playlist of Topics: 

Jan. 12: Students with Challenges 

Feb. 9: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Focusing on Student Strengths 

March 9: Social and Emotional Learning 

April 13: Differentiation: Tiering 

May 11: Differentiation: Choice Board

Register for as many sessions as you’d like, and be sure to forward to a friend or colleague. 

We hope to see you online!

Lisa Dickinson
Director, Professional Learning and Member Engagement